Friday, May 09, 2003

Every semester is wildly different from the previous. Not only are you taking different classes, but your life is different. You wake up a different times, live different places with different people...etc. Experience different financial hardships and bouts of procrastination and laziness....alright, so some things stay the same. But it is weird how one single semester can change your whole college experience and your life. Not only am I hoping for this continuity for next semester, but I am hinging my sanity on it. May any subsequent semesters not replicate this one.

That's me in the middle, 3rd up from the bottom on the right.

Thursday, May 08, 2003

Will the real raging feminist please stand up?

I swear, U of A is the only campus where you see bums on a regular basis. And no, I"m not mistaking some of the students for the homeless smelly hippies littering our campus. And these bums, as per their lifestyle, always seem to have some sort of pet in tow. Misery loves company I guess. But David and I were walking around camp-ass today and we had to do a double take before we fell down laughing. We saw a bum with a pet....not too exciting right? But his pet was a peacock on a leash! yes, a PEACOCK on a LEASH! So we were giving ourselves a campus tour "Here's the old chem building, erected in 1934 and on the front steps you'll see one of our many friendly neighborhood bums and his pet peacock on a leash......"

Monday, May 05, 2003

I am spending this morning like I spend most mornings after a long weekend of drinking...trying to figure out where all the bruises came from. Ow, my liver and spleen hurt. I think I'll go ice them.
Ever have those revenge dreams? Like your psych is expressing something you are trying be nice about? You are trying to act grown-up, like you've got your shit together. Well its difficult to fool your own brain. I had this dream where my ex's new girlfriend tries out for rugby. We are playing a game and suddenly she is moving to the edge of the field, crying. I don't know exactly what happend but both of her eyes are black and she's bleeding from the head. This strange feeling of triumph creeps over me and I smile. Why am I so evil? I've got plenty of skeletons in my closet, but at least I know what they're wearing. Why try and lie to myself? I fucking hate her! HAHAHA I'm not grown up and I"m not nice. Ask me if I care.