if it's the house of pancakes, why can't i eat the walls? good question homer.
Saturday, June 15, 2002
Thursday, June 13, 2002
Job hunting is humiliating. Now I know how those kids that get picked last in kickball feel. No experience=no employment. Sorry I don't have experience folding tank tops and hanging up deoderant stained clothes that people have already tried on! Sorry I don't have experience showing people where to sit in a restaurant! They act like it takes special people to learn these so called 'skills' and apparently I am not one of them. Most of all I hate acting (or being) desperate. "What makes you a good candidate for this job?" my answer : I"ll do anything. It's gotten so bad that I half-considered inquiring about the helpwanted sign in Taco Time. TACO TIME people! Look at what this is doing to me! Bliss is rapidly turning into panic.