Tuesday, May 07, 2002

I am Julie Andrews-twirling on a mountaintop like a friggin mental patient-kind of happy right now. I just took my last Spanish final ever in life!! Oh Joy! Oh Rapture! I feel like running through campus naked yelling ESPANOL ESTA TERMINADO!! Si! Si! Viva Ingles!!!!

Speaking of running through campus naked. I saw a sight that warmed my heart the other day. I was minding my own bidness, meandering to class. Suddenly 5 ass naked, strapping young men sprinted right past me! I couldn't divert my eyes..what can I say? I noticed a scrum cap on one of them. They were rugby players! Hell ya! I raised my fist triumphantly. Ok so I didnt, but I thought about it. I love this campus. I could deal with that everyday....
Here are the famous roommates: Can you guess why the radio station boys found them so intriguing?

Monday, May 06, 2002

"Not only were they hot chicks, but they were cool chicks, too. They play rugby!"

my roommates are FAMOUS. kristin and jackie made the acquaintences of a few radio dj personnel over the weekend...and guess who was the hot topic of conversation for the morning show! you guessed it, the star outside center and the wonder wing. they were affectionately referred to as "the girl in yellow shorts" (of whom Frank was very jealous) and "the girl of mixed ethnicity". we'll call them bada bing and bada boom. they had many nice things to say - they marveled at their tendencies to tackle each other - but a psedo-war brewed between two of the dj's - they all want bada bing, the damn cute jew. bada boom, unfortunately was extremely trashed, and that was noted on the morning show. that's kind of embarrassing, but that's the price of fame. they delivered no booty, so print that in the newspapers ya jerk! the whole KFMA crew was astonished to see Tic Tac kissing a girl in public (they all think he's gay and asked why he didn't bang her on the spot), but i'll let you discern which rugger he was muggin. that's all for now, the girls are off to tackle KRQ.
I love my roommates!