Friday, July 22, 2005

On the beach after a couple bottles of wine.

It was a good trip. Lots of laughs between Katrine lusting after 12 year olds "no hair! that's perfect!" to knowing offhand the score of the water volley game going on in our pool "Losch von slosch!" And don't forget our collective desire for "pearl necklaces"
Suzy sums it up:
to me, it always seems like you are away as well... off getting your jollies in another land while i'm stuck in podunk pullman, shootin' the shit with locals and foreigners alike, embellishing our differences but in the end realizing that we're all the same. we are all just mere humans. just mere insane humans trying to acheive our far out dreams while suffering through the hardships and, now and then, gobbling up a morsel of sweet-sweet happiness when it falls from the plate of those above us -- and ooh, it tastes so good, like watermelon. and we'll do this daily, all the while complaining about our bosses, co-workers, and roommates, every day, each just like the next, right up until the cows come home...
Whether we are in Germany, Coupeville, Pullman, Tucson, I think we are all just passing days. We all complain about bosses and co workers and are workin towards a dream. Sometimes if we are lucky we are livin a dream, and we dont even know it. I envy Susie boys relatively stress free days, predictable schedule, stable job and the opportunity to meet a variety of people. My schedule, where I live and what I do vary every single day-there is no stability, no security and I cant plan very far into the future. But we all live to fight another day and we learn to deal with what we have got.
to me, it always seems like you are away as well... off getting your jollies in another land while i'm stuck in podunk pullman, shootin' the shit with locals and foreigners alike, embellishing our differences but in the end realizing that we're all the same. we are all just mere humans. just mere insane humans trying to acheive our far out dreams while suffering through the hardships and, now and then, gobbling up a morsel of sweet-sweet happiness when it falls from the plate of those above us -- and ooh, it tastes so good, like watermelon. and we'll do this daily, all the while complaining about our bosses, co-workers, and roommates, every day, each just like the next, right up until the cows come home...
Whether we are in Germany, Coupeville, Pullman, Tucson, I think we are all just passing days. We all complain about bosses and co workers and are workin towards a dream. Sometimes if we are lucky we are livin a dream, and we dont even know it. I envy Susie boys relatively stress free days, predictable schedule, stable job and the opportunity to meet a variety of people. My schedule, where I live and what I do vary every single day-there is no stability, no security and I cant plan very far into the future. But we all live to fight another day and we learn to deal with what we have got.