Thursday, May 08, 2003

Will the real raging feminist please stand up?

I swear, U of A is the only campus where you see bums on a regular basis. And no, I"m not mistaking some of the students for the homeless smelly hippies littering our campus. And these bums, as per their lifestyle, always seem to have some sort of pet in tow. Misery loves company I guess. But David and I were walking around camp-ass today and we had to do a double take before we fell down laughing. We saw a bum with a pet....not too exciting right? But his pet was a peacock on a leash! yes, a PEACOCK on a LEASH! So we were giving ourselves a campus tour "Here's the old chem building, erected in 1934 and on the front steps you'll see one of our many friendly neighborhood bums and his pet peacock on a leash......"


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