Friday, September 19, 2003

I don't get the new cultural obession with reality TV. Infact, I hate those shows. HATE! I am using the word "HATE" about a TV show. My roommates love this shit. Especially Survivor. These people are idiots. And who has this mountain of available time to watch these idiots? Not me, Johnny. Not me.

Bartender: A moron pushing the last legal drug. People who talk in metaphors ought to shampoo my crotch.

Is it possible that obsessive compulsive disorder is contagious. My roommate of 5 weeks has this condition. I just obsessively and compulsively ate 7 full size Reese's Peanutbutter cups. Also, before practice I hate a Klondike bar. Not a good idea to run with a tummy full of lactose.


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