Tuesday, November 11, 2003

Is it incredibly vain to dramatically cut back on your drinking because you are getting fat? It is also scary to remove something from your life that you have been blaming your character flaws, oversights and all out asshole behavior on. It's a risk because what if you remove the supposed source and all the stuff is still there? Nothing to blame it on. That means that you really are an asshole. I usually don't write in the second person, but I started off with it and I just am going to keep going. There it goes. Back to the first person.

I miss home so bad. I miss my home fries so bad. I want my dad. Right now he's out terrorizing the peaceful wilderness of eastern washington with my brother and grandpa. i.e. hunting sweet little deer (which I will readily feast on when I arrive home) yay home. This is the first year I am going home for Thanksgiving. I miss Suzy. I miss Joanna and Michelle. I miss Katrine. I want to make fun of Mike's big head and quartersize earlobes. I want to make fun of Michelle's grandiose generalizations and Joanna's ugly faces. I want to laugh at Katrine's 'old lady crying' laugh and Suzy's WSU alcohol-induced stories.

random observation: the smell of feta bears an uncanny resemblance to the smell of vomit. I should know 'cause Anna puked on my shoes last weekend.

The rugby team is collectively going to hell. I forgot to include this when it happend, but we were singing "Shit damn fucker damn" one sunny day at Shelly's house during family weekend. Did I say singing? I meant screaming.....meanwhile someone's grandparents on the other side of the fence were peering over to have a better look at the debauchery. The amazing control I have over my bladder was almost ruined that day.....I almost let it go all over my pantelones cuartos. Poor old people. Between my bladder control and alcohol induced alzheimers, I can totally identify.


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