Thursday, October 30, 2003

I have come to the conclusion that I watch too much TV. Oh well, right? There are worse things. I just don't like things that contribute to my ever-expanding ass. Which brings me to my next confession. I really should call Dr. Phil and confess right now. I couldn't ever be on his Weight Loss shows 'cause they would catch me eating double stuf Oreos and cookie dough for breakfast. It is so good, I don't know how ANYONE can resist. Cookie dough and pizza are my two favorite things in this world, followed by mozzarella sticks, beer and nico's bean burritos. oh well, i could be a smoker, a joker or a midnight toker, right?

SO I have to introduce Sgt. Klien, because he says the most hilairious shit. He is forever making up words, such as 'minomial' and using words out of context, such as "expound on that definition." He has a million names for soldiers "private skeeter wing" "joe schmuckitelli" "private joe snuffy", etc. He calls things "bad mojammers" and often calls individuals 'bubbas' and 'joes'. The best was when he referred a soldier as "some douche bag" and we all giggled. He then says "you guys like that one?" He's also been known to call houses "hooches" and yell phrases like "Bear Down Mother Fucker!" from the tops of cliffs. He also introduced us to phrases such as MMFIC, aka main mother fucker in charge. Oh the fun just never ends.


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