Monday, May 13, 2002

The 25 hr trip home...dear Lord. We stayed at the chinsiest hotel in Portland last night. The trashy neon sign with the $21.99 price should have tipped us off. The teller was behind a plastic wall and handing me my paper work through a slot in the bottom. Jackie slid down in the seat of the car so I could say the room was for only one person. The lady asked me what kind of room I wanted: the kind with no phone, no TV, and you share a bathroom with the room next to you? Or do you want everything? So it was an additonal 15 bucks that I gladly paid for "everything." I didnt know that a 'private' bathroom was a luxury. We checked the covers for anything suspicious and it all looked ok. When we woke up we were talking and I felt something hit my nose. Then jackie yells "AH! IT"S A BUG!" Some beetle-type thing had just dropped out of no where and landed on my face!! We got our clothes and blew that hell hole.


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