Wednesday, September 07, 2005

I had my wisdom teeth out today. The guy (well, dr...) kept freaking me out by saying stuff like "Well if we bump this nerve, your jaw may become numb or locked permanently" and "I'm putting my hand here so your jaw doesn’t dislocate as Im loosening the tooth." And we both know by "loosening" he means one hand planted on my face, the other wielding a wrench locked onto my tooth back and forth. During the torquing he says "jesus, its like pulling a canine out of a crocodile!" Just when I thought he was done scaring the crap out of me he says "I left a little piece of the root in here; it wasn’t really worth going after bc it's so close to your sinuses and we don’t want to put a hole in there." This "doctor" looks about our age, still talks about drinking and college and is from the east coast so everything that comes out of his mouth sounds like a line from "The Godfather."


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