Monday, September 16, 2002

Things are good here, though a little stressful.
Exhibit A:
ME? I've just stepped into the 7th circle of hell. I have been assigned as the Alpha Company Commander. (ROTC) That means I am in charge of EVERYTHING! Being the big dog has its advantages, but I really miss the days when my life was not a living hell. I have not slept in 2 days (not even an exaggeration), I eat sporadically and find it difficult to think about anything but Army stuff. I stagger around, breathe too fast and try to ignore the black spots blocking my vision. Plus it was 104 today and I had to be out walking around for an hour or so at a time. This morn after PT I had to give an OPORD. YOu dont know what that is or how to give it? Oh! Well you know just as much as me then! To make it worse, this I guy I hooked up with last year, had to observe me doing it and be my evaluator!!! GRRRRRRR. Well he said I did good, so yay me!

1. Drinking with roomie commenced 1900 hours.
2. Stalking Unwritten Law at the Rialto 2000 hrs. (to no avail)
3. Using ID to enter Tiki Bob's and score free drinks from guillable boys 2200.
(Wearing trucker hat and suspenders helped with the scoring of the free drinks I am SURE!)
4. 0130 hrs a call was made to a certain Erick Harada who was soon paid a visit by two very intoxicated girls.
5. 0300 hrs said girls were seen jumping into Erick's apt's pool wearing only bra and underwear.
6. 0400 Girls were seen sprinting along major street soaking wet and barefoot.
Some might call it lewd, crude and annoying. I call it Tantilizing Tucson.


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