Friday, July 19, 2002

April's Tips on How to Strike a Convo on the Bus, or Get Them to Move Away

* "So, do you get regular gynocological checkups?"
* "Sometimes I call peanut butter "penis butter!"
* "I have a belly button!"
* "No doubt, I'm the playa that you talkin about! So when we hookin up baby?!"
* "Ever had scabies?"
* "Did you hear about that syphillis outbreak in Blaine?"
* Blow on them and say "Boy! It sure is windy on this bus!"
* "I never floss, my teeth are destroyed."
* "When I get off of this bus, go to the corner of Lakeway and Cornwall and there will be a pay phone. When it rings, I want you to follow the instructions given, don't say your name, don't ask questions. This is a very unique opportunity my son."


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