Monday, April 22, 2002

Rugby parties are unique. We don't give out normal awards, no sir. We reveal the true essence of each player. My personal favorite was Rhiannon's "Dirty Knees" award. This is referring to a certain act performed while on one's knees. ** And when your male, 50-something Aussie coach is asking your male 30-something trainer to jump on the trampoline naked with KNOW you are at a rugby party!

Cutting your own hair is a scary thing. I risked mullet and mayhem. It turned out ok roomates aren't calling me Butch, so I"ll take that as good sign.

Turning in pictures for development is fun, isn't it? It's like the Christmas you give yourself. I was so keyed up about them that I considered adding a little message on the form you fill out when you turn them in. In addition to 4x6 doubles, one hour style, I wanted to add "You Fu*k up my pictures and you're a dead man! But no one wants to have the authorities called on them...especially at Target. So I just put out the vibe, staring at the attendent's back intently for several minutes, threatening him in my mind.


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